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For most people, acne is an inherited condition of the pores. When someone is prone to acne, their pores clog with dead skin cells much faster than normal. Healthy pores shed about one layer of dead skin cells per day inside the pore, but acne-prone pores shed up to five layers of dead skin cells per day, what forms congestion under thy skin, which are non inflamed acne lesions (blackheads and /or whiteheads; and if bacteria are present (which just to feed on the dead skin cells and oil), you will get inflamed pimples, pustules and/or systs. The body just can’t keep up with keeping the pore clear. Technically, this is called “retention hyperkeratosis” — dead skin cells shedding more quickly than the pore can expel them.
There are various forms of acne, the most common forms include:
Acne Vulgaris is the most common form of acne, which includes several types of pimples. These acne lesions include blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cyst.
Definition of terms:

-Papules - inflamed lesions that appear as small, pink bumps on the skin
-Pustules (pimples) - inflamed pus-filled lesions that are red at the base
-Cysts and nodules - large, inflamed, pus-filled lesions that are lodged deep and can drain, causing pain and scarring
-Lesions can cause scars ranging from small, depressed pits to large elevated blemishes, depending on the severity of the condition and the individual's skin type.
Acne Rosacea can look similar to acne vulgaris, and the two types of acne are sometimes confused for one another. Usually occurs in people over the age of 30. It appears as a red rash, which is normally confined, to the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. Bumps, pimples, and skin blemishes often accompany the redness. It is more prevalent in women, but often more severe when found in men. Left untreated, it can cause swelling of the nose and the growth of excess tissue.
Acne is a mysterious disorder, but one thing IS for sure – it can be controlled with the right combination of Acne Treatments, Diet , and Skin Care Products used in the correct way. Just as in a clogged drain, the pore must be treated with products that unclog it, keep it unclogged and kill the acne bacteria. DMK skin care products have what you need to do just this.
DMK Skin Revision Acne Clearing 12-Week Program what we use at Kalena Facial Studio has a clear-skin system that will have your acne under control in about three to four months depending on your type of acne. We combine the power of Paramedical-grade Home Prescriptive products that are customized for your type of acne and skin with a series of bi-monthly Professional treatments that facilitate the clearing of your skin. We also teach you about other aggravating factors that make you break out – foods, medications, cosmetics, stress, and common ingredients in skin care formulations that might be clogging your pores (even professional and prescription products!).

DMK Skin Revision utilizes a blend of carefully chosen and researched botanical ingredients. DMK believes that the origin of most skin conditions is a result of disharmony within the skin. Using the principles of biochemistry, DMK has formulated a range of treatments and products that encourages skin to perform like youthful, healthy skin. By matching formulation with the body’s chemistry, the skin is encouraged to respond in a positive manner.
DMK Skin Revision treatments work with the internal function and structure of the skin to improve functioning, addressing the deeper concerns. Getting to the CORE of the problem.
Most acne, no matter what form it takes, starts with microcomedones. This means the solution lies in products that penetrate the pore and prevent dead skin cells from building up. That’s why your home care routine is so crucial — it’s all about preventing the microcomedones (the beginning of acne) from forming at all. This is the best way to get rid of acne.

-Family history of acne: For most people who suffer from acne, they get to blame their family. It is an inherited tendency of the pores to clog up with dead skin cells too quickly which causes a cascade of acne-forming events to happen. So, some people never “grow out” of their acne until much older. Other people don’t have acne in their teenage years, but start breaking out in their twenties and/or thirties. Why their acne laid “dormant” for their teenage years is a mystery, but as adults, many things can contribute to the onset of acne problems
-Hormonal fluctuationscaused by:
birth control
premenstrual syndrome
medications, and
can also affect your propensity for breakouts, sometimes causing severe acne flare-ups in women who never got a single pimple as teenagers. If you are acne-prone, choose a birth control method that won’t make your acne worse and learn about the relationship between hormones and acne so you can prepare yourself ahead of time for any changes in your skin that may arise. A condition called pyoderma faciale which mimics acne is a sudden breakout that happens to women in their thirties
-Medical conditions like PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) or thyroid disorder can wreak havoc with the skin.
Medications for bipolar disorder like lithium, thyroid medications, anticonvulsant medications, lo-dose birth control pills, corticosteroids, sobriety drugs, etc, can also cause acne.
-Pore-clogging makeup, skin care and hair care can be a culprit in adult acne. Even if a product says “non pore-clogging” or “noncomedogenic” on the label you cannot trust it. I have seen scores of products claiming this and look at the ingredient deck to see pore-cloggers.-
-Smoking can be a culprit when it comes to acne. According to German researchers from Technical University of Munich, report the results of a study which found that smoking is a clinically important contributory factor to acne prevalence and severity.
-Being overweight - increased insulin production can signal the body to release extra male hormones, called androgens, which are involved in pimple formation
-Poor diet - Excessive sugar, trans fats, fried, salt, and processed foods. Excessive intake of foods such as chocolate, caffeine, carbonated beverages, milk products, and seafood and other iodine-rich foods.
Insufficient intake of water, healthy oils, fruit and vegetables, and fiber.
-Tumors in the adrenal glands, polycystic ovarian syndrome (especially when adult acne occurs with irregular menstrual periods), and other health conditions can cause acne
-Sweating and friction, such as from headbands, back packs, bicycle helmets, or tight collars
-Squeezing and picking comedones
-High levels of humidity
The difference between adult acne and teenage acne
One of the challenges of adult acne is that skin generally becomes less oily and more sensitive. Acne products and treatments that worked well in your teen years may dry you out or cause severe irritation. If you had acne as a teen, you may have noticed that acne seems to travel down and across your face as you age. You used to break out on your forehead, and now you break out on your cheeks. Then it goes to the jawline and sometimes the neck. This is because the sebaceous follicles mature in stages. For this reason, adult acne is most commonly concentrated around the cheeks, chin, and/or jawline. It is imperative to use the right strength of acne-clearing products on older skin. Also, starting slowly with a routine allowing the skin to adapt to strong products is an important strategy.

Acne Can Be Cured
by Danne Montague-King
Acne, from the Greek word “akne” (meaning point), also known as acne vulagaris if full-blown over the face, back and chest, is physically a disease where hair follicles are clogged with dead skin cells and oil from the epidermis.
This could be easily addressed by exfoliates and desincrustation formulas if the underlying genesis was not such an aggressive emotional roller coaster
It all starts with the hypothalamus gland—currently replacing the pituitary gland as our master gland.
Think of the hypothalamus as a radio antenna receiving all signals of stress. Stress of puberty segueing into adulthood, stress of dysfunctional relationships (onset adult acne), job-related or peer group-related stress and, the worst stress of all, subliminal stress that cannot be identified.
The hypothalamus picks up the phone and relays the stress message to the adrenal glands who become very excited and phones the testosterone hormone. He calls up the sebaceous gland in the skin and commands “pump more oil” as a defense mechanism at which point we would have excessively oily skin.
However, there is always cuticle build-up to contend with. Dead cells stop voluntarily exfoliating and layer, many filling up the shunts of the hair follicle, impacting with sebum. Underneath, the epidermis tries to isolate this foreign impaction, creating a small granuloma or cyst-like pustule which may or may not spike into actual pus.
At some point, unable to help themselves, the person scratches or squeezes these bumps and P.acne's bacteria enters the picture, exacerbating the condition, spreading infection everywhere..
Several steps can be taken to stop all this ravage:
Relieve the skin of its cuticle burden.Using special saponification formulas, remove the pre-deposited fats from the follicle.Increase capillary dilation and fresh oxygen from the lungs (not topically applied—the skin does not breathe).Destroy all P.acne's bacteria keeping a friendly acid mantle intact.Restore homeostasis to all inter-cellular fluids, thus minimizing inflammation.
Psychologically, the stress levels will slow down as the patient sees something positive happening to their skin. Many times, their depression is very deep after having tried so many things before with little results. Now we have an internal as well as external treatment that ensures a positive result for a lifetime.
Skin health internally and topically is better able to fight back bacterial, parasitic or even viral attacks. No one need suffer the scourge of acne and its possible difficult-to-remove cuneiform scars.
DMK founder – Danné Montague-King
A pioneer in his industry. Danné has seen the depths of depression associated with poorly functioning skin. In fact his everlasting passion was born from his dissatisfaction with his own acne as a teen. Many times he has shared the story of how his parents would take him to lavish events where he would find a dark corner to hide away in, ashamed of this blemished skin. Not understanding the condition completely, and after failed attempts from top US dermatologists to cure his acne, Danné took things into his own hands and desperate for a cure, became his own guinea pig. A string of breakthroughs, trials and tribulations, and many travels would follow, until he found his first true breakthrough in the 60’s involving vitamin C therapy.
That’s all it took to spark what would be decades of developing successful treatments and products that would combine to form the iconic brand that is DMK – sold throughout 30 countries. For 50 years Danné has lived by his motto: rebuilding skin, rebuilding lives.
Dedicated to his craft, his practicing therapists, and his clients, Danné is the founder of the DMK family and is responsible for rebuilding skin, and rebuilding lives all over the world.

Secret Acne Cure! Acne Free in 3 Days! Clear Skin Overnight!
Oh, how the acne sufferer hopes and wishes these ads could be true. I see these ads every day and I have to laugh. The old adage “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” is true here. One cannot possibly get their skin clear in just 3 days (or overnight) because of one little-known fact:
Acne takes up to 30 to 90 days to form. A pimple that you see today probably started as a microcomedone up to three months ago.
It takes about three to four months to see your skin clear up. Three months worth of acne is going to surface, even when you are using the perfect acne regimen. That regimen is keeping the NEW acne from forming, so you won’t see them surface three months from now. So, just because you are seeing some breakouts doesn’t mean that your regimen (if you are on the right set of products) isn’t working. These are lesions that got a “foothold” in the pore as a microcomedone before you started using products.
Another issue that arises in acne home-care protocol is that you need to take into account the skin’s ability to adapt to product. You cannot start out with a regimen (albeit perfect for your acne type/skin) and just keep it the same. Your skin will adapt and start to form acne lesions again. This is why you need someone who can coach you through the process of getting clear.
So, don’t waste your money on the false promises out there (and they are EVERYwhere!). Give the tried-and-true method a try.
DMK Acne Clearing Program will give you all the facts and support you need to get rid of your acne. And that’s a promise that you can trust.

Antibiotics for Acne? Why Not?
Reading over the questionnaires of our acne clients reveals some disturbing trends. Most have seen dermatologists and most dermatologists prescribed antibiotics as the first course of action. I have clients, who took antibiotics for years! My question to them was, if it was going to work to control your acne, don’t you think it would’ve worked by now? I understand the desperation of wanting clear skin and the lack of information about getting clear skin, so I hope that this article will help those of you currently on antibiotics to consider other options.
The first thing is that antibiotics do not get your acne under control in the long term. Acne is not a bacteria problem – it is an inherited tendency of too many dead skin cells within the pores. Antibiotics do NOTHING to address this underlying cause. Even if you had an antibiotic that killed 100% of the bacteria, you would still have an acne problem.
So, now that you know why they don’t work, let’s also explore why it is not a good idea to take them.
Toxic side effects such as recurring nausea and heartburn.
Interference with the useful bacteria in the digestive system.
Frequent vaginal yeast infections for women.
Possible permanent staining of the teeth.
The best way to treat acne is with Acne Treatments at Studio and an at-home regimen that includes the topical recommended Home Prescriptive. All of these products must be used correctly; and the best and fastest way to get clear is to get coached by an acne expert. Products alone will not clear your acne – you need an expert coach to get you there.